How do I save a Yahoo email as an attachment?

Save attachments and images in Yahoo Mail for Android Tap the email with the attachment or inline image you want to save. Tap on the inline image or attachment at the bottom of the email.

Où se trouve l’icône contact dans Yahoo ?

Affichez l’onglet Contacts en cliquant sur l’icône ad hoc en haut de Yahoo Mail. Cliquez ensuite en haut à gauche sur Nouveau Contact. or Où trouver l’icône contact dans Yahoo Mail ? Afficher les détails

Which is better Gmail or Yahoo?

So, in the question of Gmail vs Yahoo Mail, Gmail is the clearly superior email platform. Yahoo Mail certainly isn’t bad—it has most of the same features that Gmail has, and a few unique perks

Comment transférer un ensemble de mails ?

Dans Gmail, il suffit de cocher le ou les messages que vous voulez transférer, de faire ensuite un clic droit sur l’option correspondante (« Transférer en pièce jointe » ou toute formulation approchante). or Comment

Can you recover permanently deleted emails?

For up to 30 days after deleting, users can recover their own messages from the Trash by following the steps in Recover deleted Gmail messages. … After 30 days, messages are permanently deleted from the