How do you perform form validation without JavaScript?

You can achieve this by adding a pattern attribute to the ‘Name’ field, setting it’s value to the regular expression we want the data to be compared against. When using the pattern attribute, the ^

How do you validate a form in HTML?

The simplest HTML5 validation feature is the required attribute. To make an input mandatory, add this attribute to the element. When this attribute is set, the element matches the :required UI pseudo-class and the form

Is HTML a web language?

HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the basic scripting language used by web browsers to render pages on the world wide web. Par ailleurs How do you perform form validation without JavaScript? You can achieve this

What is HTML validation in SEO?

Validation works to check the HTML code for proper markup; thus making sure that all pages of a website are built in accordance with Web standards. If your website follows these standards, you have a